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Water Damage Restoration - What is water damage restoration and how can it help you?

Dec 9

What is water damage restoration and how can it help you?

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Water Damage Restoration
Water damage restoration is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an action that deals with the aftermath of water damage. Water damages can occur for many reasons, even something as simple as a leaky pipe or accidentally dropping your plate in the sink can lead to major issues if immediate steps are not taken after the issue occurs. When there is wetness in areas near personal possessions, they may become damaged because of mildew and fungi growth if proper steps are not taken quickly. Fungi and mildew preference moist environments, which could include anything from floors to carpets to walls or any other soft surfaces around the house. If you have already noticed some form of water leakage, don’t wait before taking action! Try to call ASAP Restoration as soon as possible after the issue occurs.
Professional Property Restoration
In general, unless you have experience in dealing with this type of issue or previous training, it is best to hire a professional from a company that specializes in water damage restoration. Even if you feel that you may be able to clean up the area by yourself, there could be hidden dangers within your house and personal belongings that need to be attended to before starting any attempt at cleaning. Having stable footing while carrying heavy objects can also prove difficult which is why it’s recommended to seek out help from a specialist who knows how to properly deal with these situations and get them resolved quickly and efficiently.

When hiring a professional, there are several things that they will do to make sure the job is done right and efficiently. Generally, they will first investigate the area by testing for humidity levels as well as checking for any possible moisture in areas where it may not be readily visible. This way, they can determine the source of the issue which is often a very difficult process without proper tools or training. Once they have found a primary problem area, then they can proceed to extract excess water from porous surfaces so it doesn’t spread throughout your home and cause more damage than was initially intended. Finally, once all water has been removed from the site, they will also work on removing staining and odors as this could also negatively affect the quality of your home.

The first step to removing excess water is by extracting it from porous surfaces. The reason this is necessary for both carpet and wood floors, for example, is because if too much moisture remains in these areas it will eventually start to damage the subflooring below them. If this isn’t dealt with efficiently then you can expect structural problems that are very expensive to repair later on down the road. They have specialized equipment that allows them to extract all remaining moisture so it doesn’t cause any more damage than was initially expected.

Water Damage Restoration HoustonStep 1: Water Removal; the first step comprises removing all the excess amount of water that has gathered in your house. This works great for wood floors and carpets that might be glued to wall moldings like tiles and linoleum. They tend to peel off if left soaked with water for a long time. You should remove any wet things like clothes, papers, and other items that seem to be in danger of getting completely wet. Getting rid of the water on your room floors will help reduce further damage. Step 2: Water Extraction; After you have removed the excess water, it is time for you to extract all the moisture inside your house. This means removing all the humidity inside your home so that any residual flood or mold-causing bacteria does not stay around after doing its job of aggravating already damaged household goods. Drying out everything through extraction prevents the further growth of molds. When this step has been completed, consider moving on to step 3 since there is nothing else that needs extracting at this point. Step 3: Water Removal; The final phase in water damage restoration has to do with the removal of residual water droplets that may be found in your carpets, hardwood flooring, and basement. This step requires using dehumidifiers for effective water extraction. Water droplets will eventually get soaked up by wood or drywall if left there too long. It is best to remove them before they get wet again. Step 4: Air Drying; Air drying should be done quickly after you have dried out all the equipment through dehumidifiers. Make use of fans around your house so air can circulate while it dries everything inside your home after almost a month’s worth of damage due to floodwaters or sewage backup. Air is the only thing that can help evaporate all moisture and bring back normalcy to your house. Step 5: Furniture and Rugs; After everything is dry, you should consider moving on to putting back furniture and rugs in their proper places. You might feel like you want to leave the mess as it is for now but do not forget about the health risks involved with those molds. Even if they are found in hard-to-reach areas such as wooden walls or ceilings, do not let them stay there longer, or else they will eventually go airborne when exposed to air longer than usual. Step 6: Mold Removal; Many of these things have been done before but mold removal takes a different set of actions compared to water damage restoration. When you have to deal with mold in hard-to-reach areas, you should wear protective gear before touching anything. Use a fan or an air compressor so the airborne spores are blown away from your face. For preventing molds from growing, never let debris stay longer than necessary inside your home since molds need organic materials to turn them into food. Step 7: Prevention of Water Damage; As what is stated earlier, prevention is better than cure. If only homeowners would learn how to prevent water damage once and for all then they can save the time, effort, and money that they will be spending if water damage occurs again anytime soon. Taking preventive measures cannot solve anything but it can help you lessen all the stress and tension that come with water damage. Those tasks may sound too trivial to remember but they can be very useful when it comes to dealing with floods and sewage backup. Step 8: Regularly Monitoring Water Damage; Further prevention is done by regularly checking for wet areas in your house and dealing with them right away before anything bad happens such as getting mold or worsening of an already present fungi colony inside your home. If possible, you should consider hiring professionals from ASAP Restoration company.
It depends on a lot of things. Firstly the size of the disaster, from a leaky faucet to major flood damage from storms or flooding. The amount of water present, and how much equipment is needed for restoration will be determining factors as well. As you can imagine how quickly a job is completed has a lot to do with the size of your budget. After all, it takes money to buy materials necessary for cleanup and repairs, so budgeting wisely will have a big impact on how long remediation takes.
The best thing you can do is stop whatever leaking or flooding is occurring at that time by shutting off water supply valves or stopping whatever may be flowing into your home. If possible move items quickly out of the area where the problem is to prevent any further damage. Once these things are done make sure all utilities not related to flooding are disconnected responsibly. We will help with this process once we arrive on-site; however, if you would like contact us now or request an appointment online now!
If you have been suffering from water damage or flooding for a longer period, it is advised to consult a professional instead of trying to fix the problem by yourself. Even if you think that your property was not affected seriously due to an accident, do not try fixing things on your own, as many times it can lead to more significant problems later on. Do not underestimate the risk of water damage, as its consequences can be far more serious than you imagine. Depending on the type of flooding and time that has passed since your home might suffer from mold or mildew which could lead to respiratory problems or other illnesses later on. Water damage restoration services are mandatory when dealing with these issues properly. If there are no signs of mold yet, professionals will use special equipment to detect it before starting with necessary cleaning actions. If you live in an older building, water can travel through walls! You should also check if your attic needs extra protection, checking walls and ceilings often. If you feel like your home is not properly protected from water damage, do not hesitate to contact a professional from ASAP Restoration right away. They will come with the necessary equipment needed for protecting your property from future accidents. Even more, they can check your property regularly to make sure that everything stays in place.