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Ridge Vents Installation

Jan 6

The proper ventilation of your roof is essential to prolonging the life of your roof and avoid costly repairs in the near future. In this article we'll take a closer look at ridge vents installation by Riverfront Roofing and discuss the benefits of this ventilation system. Read on to find out more!

Ridge Vents Installation

What are the advantages of the vent with ridges?

A Ridge vent is a form of ventilation system which helps remove hot air as well as humidity from the attic. It is installed along the peak of your roof, and it allows air to circulate freely throughout your attic. This helps in keeping your house cool in summer and dryer during winter. Ridge vents also help to prolong the life for your roofing by preventing moisture damage.

How does a ridge vent work?

A roof vent is a sort of system of ventilation that aids to eliminate excessive moisture and heat from your home. It allows air to flow into your attic through the vents and then out via the roof's ridge. This helps keep your attic cooler during summer, but dry during winter.

Who should install a ridge vent?

A Ridge vent is a form of ventilation system which helps to eliminate the moisture and hot air out of your attic. If you've got an attic, it is crucial to ensure that it is ventilated properly in order to prevent the destruction of your home and to keep your energy costs down. A ridge vent can be installed by a professional or as a do-it-yourself project.

If you're considering installing a ridge vent there are a few points you need to consider. The first is to ensure that your attic has enough space to allow for the vent. Then, you must determine if you'd like a manual or automatic vent. Manual vents require an individual to open and shut them, while automated vents can open and close at their own discretion based upon the temperature in the attic.

Third, you need to determine the dimensions of the ridge vent based on the size in your attic. Finally, you need to select the right material for the vent. Ridge vents are generally made from plastic, metal or even wood.

Installing a ridge-vent is not a difficult task but it is essential to ensure that it is done correctly in order to avoid any issues. If you're unsure of the best way to install a ridge vent, it is best to hire an expert to make sure that the task is done right.

What is the cost to put up a brand new roof and valley vents?

The cost of installing a new roof or valley vents will vary based on the size and type of your house, as well as the level of complexity of the work. Most homeowners can anticipate spending between $1,500 and $3,000 for the basic Valley vent and roof installation. In the event that you own a more complicated roof or require additional vents installed, the cost can go up to at least $5,000.


Installing ridge vents on your roof is a fantastic way to lower energy costs and enhance the air circulation throughout your home. Ridge vents are a cost-effective and effective method to eliminate excess moisture, keeping temperatures pleasant in summertime and ultimately, extending the life span the roof. With these ideas in mind, you'll now be confident enough to tackle the task yourself or get a professional can take care of it!

Name     Riverfront Roofing

Address Ogden Utah, Utah County, Salt Lake City