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Home Window Repair How To Do It Yourself

Dec 27

Home window repair is a simple project that you can manage on your own if you have the right tools and materials. A professional might be needed if you have delicate glass or older wooden frames, however. The key to a successful repair is planning ahead and taking the time to prep your workspace before moving on with the actual work. First, remove curtains, blinds and furniture to clear your workspace, then cover the surrounding floor with a sheet or piece of plastic to protect it from glass shards. If possible, open the windows for ventilation. Finally, don’t forget to wear gloves and cover your eyes.

A simple but effective temporary fix for broken windows is masking tape or duct tape. It will keep the cracks from worsening until you have a chance to get a new window and make the necessary repairs. Place a strip of tape over the cracks, preferably covering both sides. Be sure to cover any spider cracks as well, since these are the most fragile part of the glass. For best results, double or triple layer the tape. If the cracks are too large to cover, wrap a piece of cardboard over them instead.

Before you attempt to reassemble the window, look around the frame for loose pieces of glass that may have popped out and are laying on the ground. Pick up the more significant shards, then sweep or vacuum the smaller ones away. Finally, wear a pair of cut-proof gloves (available at most hardware stores) to keep your hands protected from any shards that could still pop out during the window repair process.

Once the area is cleared, you can proceed with the work. Before you do anything, though, be sure to run a putty knife all around the sash and frame to break any paint seals and make it easier to open. Next, if the sash is stuck, use a hammer to gently pry one of the stops open. Once it’s free, try to lift the sash and see if it will move freely.

If the sash is still stuck, it’s probably because there’s too much putty holding it in place. You’ll need to scrape off the old putty and sand the wood until you can see bare wood. Then, coat the wood with a primer and a few coats of water-resistant paint.

You can also try adding some glazier points to the frame to help hold the pane in place, but these can be tricky for DIYers to lay and press into position. They also require frequent touch-ups. If you’re unable to secure the pane in place, you might want to consider boarding it up. A piece of plywood, cut to size, should fit nicely over the window and stop drafts until you can have it repaired by Glassbusters. This is also a great option if your window has been damaged by hail or other debris.