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5 Step Guide To Solar Panel Installation

Nov 5

Solar power is now available to more than one million homes in America. People are more interested in installing solar panels to their roofs. It is essential to understand what happens in a typical solar panel installation if you are looking for energy. You must first choose the best solar companies near you. Then, there are five steps to turn on those black cells. Advosy Energy will follow these five steps to install a system.

1. Engineering site visit

After you have signed your Arizona sun company contract, a loan, lease, or cash purchase agreement, an engineer will come to your home to verify that it is compatible with the new system. The entire process takes only a few days from the time you sign your contract.

This inspection makes sure that there are no cracks in the roof and that natural sunlight can reach the panels. Any problems that arise during this inspection can be fixed by the installers.

2. Documentation and permits

You may also need incentives. These permits can be arranged by your installer.

Individuals can apply for state and federal solar incentives. These include the Federal ITC and local programs, as well as clean energy financing initiatives such as PACE. There are also rebates from the government on top SRECs. It is important to know what you want and who it is. This will help you avoid wasting your time looking at different companies before you find one that suits you.

3. Ordering equipment

For your system, you will need to assess inverters as well as solar panel components. Although your installer may recommend one brand, there are many options.

4. Solar panel installation

Once the wiring is complete, the installers will attach the rack to support the panels. The racking will be attached to your roof by the installers.

5. Approval and interconnection

Connecting your panels to the grid is the final step in going solar. Before your system can be connected to the grid, an inspector from your local government will inspect it.

After the inspection, you are ready to connect to your grid. An electric company representative will visit your home to inspect the solar panel.