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Easy Step by Step Guide To Solar Panel Installation

Oct 7


More than a million homes have already gone solar in the U.S., and many more are contemplating installing solar panels on their rooftops. It is a good idea to learn about the typical procedure for installing solar panels or to install them yourself if you are seeking energy. Before the shiny black cells are able to power your devices There are five essential steps to follow following the signing of an Arizona solar company.

The solar company you choose will usually follow these five steps to install the solar system:

Engineering site visit:

After you have completed your Arizona solar contract with a company that includes a lease, loan, or cash purchase agreement An engineer will come to your residence to check the electrical state and make sure all is in sync with the new system. The visit usually occurs within a few days of signing the agreement.

The assessment will ensure that there aren't any issues such as cracks on the roof. This means that nothing hinders access to install purposes or blocks natural light from getting into the panels. If any problems do arise in this period--for example, damages caused by weather conditions such as hail storms, which can cause warranty cancellation, they are usually able to be resolved through negotiations between installer companies ahead of the actual installation occurring instead of waiting until later to avoid putting off the process further.

solar installer near me

Permits and documentation:

You will also need to submit an application for incentives. The permits you need are specific to the area in which you reside and the installer can assist in determining the requirements in many instances.

One of the most common things that people apply to is federal and state solar incentives, such as the Federal ITC, local solar programs as well as clean energy financing initiatives like PACE or government rebates in addition to SRECs. To reap these benefits from a range of sources, it's essential not just to have all the details of what they're seeking but also to know who is doing this type of work, so that it's not wasting time looking at different companies before settling on a specific one.

The process of ordering equipment :

Inverters and solar panels are two of the elements that you'll need to evaluate to determine the best system for you. Your installer will likely recommend a particular model of each, but there are other options if you want. Durability, efficiency, and aesthetics play important roles when comparing brands.

Solar panel installation:

Once the electrical wiring is completed, the installers will attach the racking to hold the panels. This is the only thing that is fixed to the roof. Once the panels are set and level, they are attached to the rack. Inverters are then connected by an electrician to generate alternating currents.

Interconnection and approval:

Connecting your solar panels to the grid is the last step to go solar. A representative from your town government will examine your system before you can connect it to the grid. This inspection basically double-checks the work performed by Arizona Solar Company.

After this inspection, you are ready to go to connect your grid. A representative from your electric company will visit to conduct their own evaluation of your solar panel system and to make sure that everything is in compliance before it can be put up on the national grid of power.

Learn more about the solar installation...